Travels in the central parts of Indo-China, Cambodia, and Laos, during the years 1858, 1859, and 1860. (Memoir of H. Mouhot [by J. J. Belinfante. Edited by C. Mouhot].) With illustrations
1864|MOUHOT, Alexandre Henri.
Burman Empire, and Hindoo-Chinese States.
1832|Higgins, W.M.1:12 400 000
Birman Empire & Countries South East of the Ganges.
1844|Teesdale, Henry1:7 650 000
Charte von den Reichen Siam und Cochinchina
1831|zgest. von John Walker für die Beschreibung von Hn. Crawfurd's Mission1:6 340 000
1832|dem Sir Francis Hamilton [...] gewidmet vom Verfasser [H. Berghaus]1:4 000 000