The Last Journals of David Livingstone in Central Africa, from 1865 to his death. Continued by a narrative of his last moments and sufferings, obtained from his faithful servants Chuma and Susi, by H. Waller. With portrait, maps, and illustrations
1874|Livingstone, David
AEthiopisches Hochland Alpenland Habesch und Vorstuffe von Darfur und Sennaar
The sea of Uniamesi &c
Nieder-Guinea und das Innere des Westlichen Mittel-Africa's oder Westrand von Hoch-Africa
1840|entworfen und gezeichnet von C.F. Weiland1:5 480 000
Travels, researches and missionary labours, during an eighteen years' residence in Eastern Africa ... With an appendix respecting the snow-capped mountains of Eastern Africa, ... and a concise account of geographical researches in Eastern Africa up to the discovery of the Uyenyesi by Livingstone in September last, by E. G. Ravenstein. With portrait, maps and illustrations, etc
1860|Krapf, J. L. (Johann Ludwig)
Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile ... Second edition