Planiglob in Mercators Projection, zur Uebersicht der Erdfläche und der Seereisen
1854|Stieler, Adolf
Weltcharte in Mercators Projektion [SE part]
1825|von Christian Gottlieb Reichard.1:24 000 000
Karte der Meeresströmungen und der davon abhängigen Handelswege
A Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies ... Illustrated by three maps, fifteen etchings, and several wood-cuts
1843|BACKHOUSE, James of York, the Elder
1841|[nakladatel není známý],1:160 000 000
Colton and Fitch's modern School Geography. Illustrated by ... maps, and ... engravings. By G. W. Fitch. Maps ... by G. W. Colton. Revised edition, etc